Forbidden Planet have now announced a range of Doctor Who figures from the classic series which will be sold exclusively at their stores across the U.K and Ireland. The range of figures consist of: The First Doctor with Black Dalek which is available in a colour variant and a black and white variant, The Second Dalek with Telos Cyberman which is also available in a colour variant and a black and white variant and The Sixth Doctor in Real Time blue coat.

The figures are expected to be released in late July and will only be sold at Forbidden Planet. The First Doctor and Black Dalek figure packs will be sold at the price of £24.99, The Second Doctor and Telos Cyberman figure packs will also be sold at the price of £24.99 and The Sixth Doctor in Real Time blue coat will be sold at £14.99. Will you be buying these figures?
Wont be getting these... lol.
Wow these figures look great, I cant wait for them! Finally after all the waiting, we will finally have the 1st and 2nd Doctors in figures!
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