Tom Baker continues his exclusive interview in Doctor Who Magazine #412 - and reflects on the meaning of life...
DWM takes a stroll in the woods with Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker. As we pick our way through the trees, we learn how to make the perfect bonfire, why Tom owns a gravestone and why it’s not a good idea to combine drinking and acting…
“In those days… it’s a long time ago, and it’s a world that no longer exists. It was a world where wine was available all the time, and hard drinking was a sign of being sociable. An actor who said, ‘No thanks, I can’t drink, or won’t drink’ wasn’t very interesting, because most of the conversation was fuelled by alcohol and cigarettes...”
Also in DWM 412:
A Sting In The Tale
Tom Baker is back in the studio as the Doctor in Hornets' Nest, a new series of audio adventures for BBC Audio. DWM was present at the recording and gives a full report on proceedings, including exclusive interviews with the cast and crew.
Peri In Love!
Sixth Doctor companion actress, Nicola Bryant takes her turn to delve into the Tardis tin! Discover who Nicola’s first crush was and what her favourite pair of pants are!
On The Mean Streets
The Doctor turns sleuth as he races to save New Old Detroit from the ominously-named World Bomb in the complete new comic-strip adventure, The Deep Hereafter written by Dan McDaid and with art by Rob Davis.
Six Of One
Everything you need to know about the Doctor’s Sixth and most colourful incarnation in one easy package, thanks to The Watcher and his continuing guide to the lives of our favourite Time Lord.
A New Beginning
In keeping with our celebration of Tom Baker’s return to the Doctor Who world, we step back in time to 1974 with The Fact of Fiction and take a look at the Fourth Doctor’s first adventure, Robot.
Vampire Vikings!
The Time Team’s Richard, Peter, Jac and Clay turn their square eyes to The Curse of Fenric and share their thoughts on this terrifying tale of World War II espionage, vampires and chess games.
The Time Lady Talks
Mary Tamm, who was the first incarnation of the Fourth Doctor’s companion, Romana talks to DWM about writing her autobiography and being a grandmother.
Letter From America
Outgoing Doctor Who supremo, Russell T Davies reflects on life in America, (including the revelation of chicken sausages) and his thoughts on the Eleventh Doctor’s costume.
Seeing The Future
There’s a photo special in this month’s Gallifrey Guardian rounding up all the pictures and coverage for the first day of filming for next year’s Series One, starring Matt Smith. Plus find out who’s coming back from the dead for this Christmas’s Tenth Doctor finale, The End of Time.
The Ones That Got Away
Neil Harris celebrates the unseen heroes of Doctor Who, including Leonardo Da Vinci who has the honour of not appearing in the series on two separate occasions!
All the latest news, reviews, previews, competitions and much, much more!
Grab your Doctor Who Magazine 412 now, for just £3.99. It’s the cat’s pyjamas!
Issue 412 of Doctor Who Magazine is on sale at good newsagents now, being sold at the usual price of £3.99. Will you be purchasing a copy of this magazine?
1 comment:
I got this on Friday
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